
Winklevoss Twins Have Donation to Trump’s Campaign Refunded, Gives Reason

The Winklevoss twins received a refund from former President Donald Trump when it was discovered that their recent Bitcoin payment to his campaign exceeded federal contribution limitations. The Federal Election Commission (FEC), which oversees campaign contributions in the US, took notice of the payment immediately.

Under existing laws, there is a $2,900 cap on individual contributions to federal candidates every election cycle. The donation made by the Winklevoss twins significantly beyond this cap, putting the Trump campaign in a difficult financial and legal situation. The Trump team quickly resolved the matter after being notified by the FEC.

The campaign’s financial staff acknowledged the error and described the actions taken to fix it in a publicly public statement. According to Trump campaign team, on it’s public statement addressing the development says that “We are grateful to all of our contributors, especially the Winklevoss twins. On the other hand, we have to abide by federal regulations regarding political contributions.”

Winklevoss Twins Reaffirms Their Belief In Trump’s Campaign

In a joint statement, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss stated that they support Trump but must respect the law. In their words, “We firmly believe that Bitcoin can completely transform the financial industry, and we support President Trump’s vision for the United States.” 


Discussions over using cryptocurrencies for political fundraising have resurfaced due to the incident. Opponents contend that the existing laws must be updated and that the subtleties of digital currency donations must be considered.

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They demand that rules be amended to give funders and campaigns more precise guidelines. A campaign finance specialist, Sarah Mitchell, stated that “this incident highlights the need for a modern approach to campaign finance regulations.”

The twins, who founded the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, have been outspoken supporters of the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Their $2 million Bitcoin payment to Trump’s campaign was first perceived as a significant help to the former President’s attempts to get back into the White House.

Tyler Winklevoss Remarks Support For Trump, Hail His Pro-Business Policies 

José Gustavo from Crypto News Land has warned that regardless of the unrestricted use of cryptocurrency for political campaign activities, campaigns must be careful to track contributions and comply with federal regulations. Aside from refunding the said donation, Trump was mild in his response and wasn’t heard using harsh words about the cryptocurrency industry.

The cryptocurrency twins have recently attacked the current administration for encouraging many anti-cryptocurrency policies, triggering many negative political comparisons between his and Trump’s positions on cryptocurrencies. The Winklevoss, in their criticism, hailed Trump, saying he holds an appealing pro-cryptocurrency ideology.

One of the twins, Tyler Winklevoss, on his X handle on June 20, wrote that Trump is pro-Bitcoin and harbors a pro-business belief. On June 7, Trump promised to ease the many recent altercations experienced in the cryptocurrency industry. He pledged to abolish all of Biden’s anti-cryptocurrency policies on his first day in office.

Trump Vows to Review Ross Ulbricht’s Judgment If Elected

Trump has termed the policies a “war on the cryptocurrency industry” and has joked that he will be nicknamed the “cryptocurrency president” after he’s done with his plans. Bloomberg reported that Trump had also promised to make the United States the global Bitcoin mining hub.

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In his post on X, Brian Morgenstein, the Policy head at Bitcoin miner Riot Platforms, said that Trump is determined to protect the rights of every miner and trader with Bitcoin. Towards May, Trump had promised to review the judgment that sentenced Ross Ulbricht to life in imprisonment if re-elected.

Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road, a darknet marketplace that is now defunct, was found guilty by the federal jury of traffic narcotics, conspiracy, and five other charges. According to the senior adviser of Trump’s campaign team, Brian Hughes, while speaking to journalists at Decrypt,

recounted that cryptocurrency innovators under this administration are visibly under attack by the Democrats. Brain said that Trump’s second coming would encourage Americans to compete in the emerging technological innovations going on in the world.

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Brenda Collins

Brenda Collins is a seasoned crypto news writer with a deep passion for blockchain technology and its transformative potential. With years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills in delivering concise and insightful analysis, making complex concepts accessible to a wide audience. Brenda's dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the crypto world ensures her readers receive accurate and timely information.

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