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Cardano Rewards 10 Supporters With Appreciation Tokens

Cardano (ADA) has developed and launched the first Non-Fungible Tokens of Appreciation (NFTAs). This was a pioneering launch and the firm has distributed them among serious individuals who have contributed to the firm. A recent blog post disclosed detailed information about Cardano Foundation, as it extraordinarily commemorates its web portal launch.

It has been decided that the pioneer Non-Fungible Tokens of Appreciation (NFTAs) will be given to 10 Cardano supporters who have provided and invested in one way or another to see that the Cardano blockchain progressed. To mint these new tokens, Cardano followed the stipulated standard of the CIP 721 Metadata which is an NFT-focused Cardano Improvement Proposal. This enables its customers to utilise both metadata and Cardano’s token to allow information to be preserved on the blockchain.

Cardano Token vs Ethereum Token

To guarantee the Tokens genuineness as well as that of the metadata the foundation’s official wallet approved the transactions to mint them and this is what differentiates the Ethereum Tokens from the Cardano Tokens. The minting process can be ascertained using a QR-code, this code redirects all users to the firm’s blockchain explorer. In addition to this, the Cardano Foundation’s official NFTA page can also be used to check and survey the Cardano Token.

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The developers of this new token stressed that all Cardano tokens and NFTAs we’re not minded following the same process as Ethereum as they were developed differently. The process of minting is quite similar to the ADA as it does not contain smart contracts. Emphasis was made on the fact that the Cardano’s token was in every way distinct from Ethereum’s Token.

The Non-Fungible Tokens of Appreciation 

Each Non-Fungible Token of Appreciation is designed using a thumbs-up photo of a Cardano community member, showing the members approval of the portal. The firm uses these photos as campaign visuals to promote the portal, however, their ownership remains with the members. When the QR code on the NFTA is scanned it directs one to the Cardano blockchain explorer and there the user can verify the ownership of the NFTA. 

To differentiate between these NFTs, it is said that each NFTA is supported by a token which gives the receiver a one time opportunity to highlight a topic or project of their choosing on the Cardano Developer portal. This opportunity is non-transferrable. Although the Portal is a great warehouse of everything on the mainnet, it is still a basis for further development.

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Shelly Melancon (Switzerland)

Shelly is a cryptocurrency enthusiast from Switzerland, she bought her first crypto in 2015 when it was way less popular then it is today and since 2017 she has been writing about cryptocurrency for online news portals. Shelly is the newest addition to the Tokenhell team, she writes mostly news and reviews related articles , stay tuned to her posts to stay up to date with the crypto world.

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