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US Immigration and Customs Enforcements Leveraging AI to Scan Social Media Before Accepting Visas

AI enhances the process of evaluating online posts by persons aiming to enter the nation, evoking controversy concerning privacy.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is penetrating all sectors, the latest being border patrol. At present, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency utilizes Giant Oak Search Technology (GOST), an artificial intelligence-driven tool, to evaluate social media posts for information considered ‘offensive’ to the nation.

ICE Implements AI Assistive Devices to Track Offensive Social Media Posts

The 404 Media was the first to report this revelation, which has evoked debates concerning privacy and the ethical consequences of this kind of surveillance. The report that quoted confidential documents showed that the Giant Oak Search Technology aids the agency by analyzing social media posts and establishing their likely dangers to the United States.

Specifically, 404 media disclosed that the documents reveal concealed information concerning a robust system in a policy and technological sense. This involves how data is processed and utilized to consider who is permitted to stay in the nation and who is not. 

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The system rates an individual’s social media score from 1 to 100 based on its significance to their mission. Social media reviews have been used for some time. In the past, published posts have been used to study persons who might be regarded as vicious.

Nevertheless, these tools may further blur the line between homeland security and fundamental personal rights. Compared to humans, the tools can process data much quicker.

Factors Contributing to High Use Case of AI

The ALCU’s National Security Project’s Deputy Director, Patrick Toomey, expressed worries concerning the government’s utilization of algorithms to evaluate social media posts. He told 404 that the government should not utilize algorithms for assessing people’s social media posts and pick out the ‘dangerous’ ones. 

He also said that agencies must not secretly purchase this black box technology without responsibility. The public is still doubtful about artificial intelligence, particularly about privacy.

 A Pew Research Center study showed that 32% of United States citizens are sure that using this technology to hire and assess employees will cause more harm than good to workers and job applicants. The study findings align to the pronouncements aired by striking Hollywood writers to resist AI use in the segment. The screen writers behind TV and movie creative input cited AI as harboring threats to eliminate their engagement. 

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A recent summer poll established that most Americans view artificial intelligence as dangerous to humanity. The vast effects of such improvements in technology are indisputable.

While artificial intelligence provides precision and efficacy, it can also threaten privacy rights, a common contradiction across several technological developments.

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Stephen Causby

Stephen Causby is an experienced crypto journalist who writes for Tokenhell. He is passionate for coverage in crypto news, blockchain, DeFi, and NFT.

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