Bitcoin (BTC)

Price Analysis, Events

24H VOLUME45,335 BTC
max supply45,335,000
Bitcoin Price Analysis
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Cardano Price Analysis: Jumped a Place Up in Cryptocurrency Ranking Amidst the Slow Market

Bitcoin Pirce Analysis (Overall)

Sit tight as Binance Coin may go for an upswing once again and take the traders on a higher ride this time. After a continuous slow trend in the last seven days, the coin has nothing new to share today but not for a longer duration. There has been much anticipation regarding BNB getting on the acceleration mode, and it is only a matter of time that it will strike again. The market performance over the months is something to admire.

BNB Coin Price Statistics (Overall)

In the last three months, BNB token has shown a phenomenal growth recording an all-time high at $35 showing almost more than 2x growth, but in the last few days of June, BNB has lost this terrific momentum and crawling its way too few ups and downs. As on June 10, 2019, at 10:38:06 UTC, the coin is trading as shown in the below graph.

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