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Aryana Review – Is Aryana Scam or Legit?

Aryana Exchange Rating
Read our Aryana review and learn why we recommend this exchange for online trading and why it is not a scam, learn all you need to know in this Aryana review before you sign up with the exchange.
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Aryana Review

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Global financial systems have evolved alongside global development which has influenced other sectors of life. Generations ago, the means of exchange and settlement of debt was the trade by barter system which involved the exchange of goods directly. From that, fiat currencies came into sight with each country and territory developing its own. In our present world, cryptocurrency is now the trend of the season which would in the coming years replace fiat currencies. There is even the possibility of a unified global currency which would be a crypto token. All of these point to the importance and relevance of cryptocurrency in today’s financial world. Cryptocurrency is a system of digital assets which have value in today’s financial system. Some tokens are even more valuable than some country’s currencies when viewed on the international market.

The advent of cryptocurrency also brought about the introduction of a crypto market where these digital assets can be traded to earn profits. The crypto market is one of the digital markets present in the world today which has no geographical limitations or restrictions. To trade within this crypto market, individuals would need to employ crypto exchanges for such to be possible. Crypto exchanges are platforms and firms which facilitate the buying and selling of crypto assets. These platforms make it possible for users who can be individuals or institutions to take part in the operations of the crypto market. Without them, it would be impossible to trade cryptocurrency. A good example of such a platform is the Aryana exchange which gives users the chance to trade digital assets.

Crypto exchanges are also of two kinds; decentralized and centralized exchanges. Most popular crypto platforms are usually decentralized as people tend to favor them. Centralized platforms such as the Aryana exchange are however still being used even if they would involve a third party for the storage of funds. These centralized platforms have over time proven to be valuable and relevant firms in this whole crypto market and trading in general. Within this review, very key information about the Aryana exchange that would be provided would guide you on your journey into the cryptocurrency world.

Exchange platformAryana
Variety tokens20
Account neededYes
Verification levelsTwo
Trading platform paymentsCrypto wallets
Customer supportEmails, Telegram, Medium, Twitter

What is Aryana Exchange?

For an exchange just over a year old in operation, this exchange has made a solid impression on the crypto market as it is gradually gaining acceptance and use. The platform was established in 2020 with the United Kingdom as its headquarters. However, the focus of this crypto platform is on the Middle East where its trading services are directed to. This is because the exchange seeks to allow individuals resident in the region to participate in the global crypto trade. Even though it is a recent addition to the crypto market, users on the platform are steadily increasing numerically thus granting the exchange a form of credibility and trust. Unlike most exchanges which often prohibit investors from the United States, this platform doesn’t explicitly restrict US users and this encourages its growth.

Aryana website

This crypto trading platform is a creation of Aryana Network Ltd, a firm dedicated to the provision of crypto solutions for society. It is in this vein that the firm also created the Aryacoin, crypto that solves the problem of exorbitant network fees and Ayapay, for easy transfer of digital funds. Aryana exchange is a platform that is fitted with world standard infrastructure which has been tested and approved. This infrastructure was designed to ensure a flawless trading experience that is highly secure and safe. It is this feature that continually reassures users of the credibility of the platform as they are often provided with a warm trading experience. In addition to this, the platform offers users an interactive display of trade options that are always up-to-date.

The crypto market is highly volatile and so changes are bound to occur in a short space of time. For this reason, the exchange provides trading information that tally with the ever-changing market overview in such a way that users are not left behind from current market trends and this, in turn, translates into an enjoyable trading experience. On this platform, users are not just left to place trade and conduct transactions on their own, rather they are guided into making profitable and strategic investments. This way, users are helped to get the best profits and gains from the crypto market.

Aryana Trading Services

It is an exchange that offers the buying and selling of popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others. One amazing feature about its trading service is that it provides the most liquid other books in the crypto world and this implies that crypto transactions are conducted with a highly minimal level of slippage occurring. The platform places an emphasis and focuses on the sales and buying of crypto tokens thus offering users the opportunity of narrowing their investment opinions for more success. There is also a variety of tokens available on the platform to trade in thus exposing users to a pool of multiple choices and increasing trade profitability. In addition to a more focused trading opportunity, the platform offers several order types to its users. These order types serve as tools in the hands of traders with which they handle different scenarios. By doing this, the chances of success for the users of the platform are increased equalling a worthwhile trading experience.

While the platform aids the exchange of crypto assets, it goes further into encouraging new users with its referral program which rewards individuals that register with a referral code. Existing users are therefore rewarded with bonuses amounting up to different degrees and percentages when they bring new users and this reward is valid as long as your account is active. Trading with this platform is made easy and convenient as trading information provided can easily be understood and utilized.

How Does Aryana Exchange Work?

Crypto exchanges have become very key and strategic in today’s financial world as they are platforms through which crypto assets and tokens can be traded and exchanged. Due to the relevance of their function in the crypto market, registration with an exchange has certain guidelines which some users may find tasking and cumbersome. For Aryana exchange, a platform that is poised and designed to provide a safe and enjoyable trading experience, registration requires the provision of personal and official information. This is to ensure that everyone who uses the platform is human and not a robot or machine to avoid scams and hacks. The first step to becoming a user on the platform is registering which would involve the provision of your names and email address.

After these basic details have been provided, an email is sent by the platform which has to be verified from your mail. This verification now gives way for the KYC process which is a feature that boosts the security and credibility of crypto platforms. Once your email has been verified, the next step would be to verify your phone number. Most exchanges do not have this further step and this makes the platform a unique one. Verification of your phone number would involve receiving a special code from the platform’s support team through which the verification can take place. When this process is successful, the individual will then be required to input certain personal details which also should be correct and current. These details would include names, nationality, and address of the user which would be submitted for approval. Usually, this approval takes close to five minutes to 24 hours depending on the location and network strength.

Upon approval of your details, the next step would be the submission of official documents and records of your personality. These documents include a valid means of identification, a bank card that can be a debit or credit card. You would also be required to take a selfie holding a page following and to submit it alongside the above-mentioned documents. In providing these documents, make sure they are current and correct as they would be screened and verified by the exchange before your account can be activated. After the submission of these requirements, your account would then be waiting for approval from the admin. Once your account is approved, you can now undertake deposits, withdrawals and begin your journey into crypto trading. All the above steps may seem cumbersome or strenuous, but they are necessary to validate the authenticity of the account holder, whether he is human or not. Such measures are also put in place to strengthen the security of the platform, users’ accounts and reduce risks of scams, hacks, and thefts.

An activated account is free to buy and sell tokens and coins of its choice thus introducing you to the world of crypto trading. The platform also helps new crypto investors by providing relevant information which can be beneficial to their journey of crypto trading.

Trading, Withdrawals, and Deposit Fees

Most crypto investors are usually attracted to trading platforms that do not involve a lot of fees when transactions are made. This is because reduced transaction fees help increase the profits obtained from trading. This is one feature of the Aryana exchange that has made it a favorite among the numerous exchanges existing today. Most trading platforms have takers and makers between which transactions take place. Each of these parties is charged a certain amount for the transaction to be successful. For this trading platform, however, there is something known as fiat fees which are attracted by every transaction. Fiat fees imply that both takers and the makers are charged the same fees as long as spot trading is concerned. The fee attracted is 0.10% which is lower than the market average charge of 0.15% and 0.20%. Thus, the elimination of huge trading fees is one unique feature of this crypto trading platform

For withdrawals on the platform, charges attracted are usually fixed and are determined by the token you are withdrawing. The withdrawal for each crypto token attracts a fee which would also be charged in the same form. This implies that for every Bitcoin withdrawal, BTC would be charged while for Ethereum withdrawals, ETH is the means of payment. The average fee charged on BTC withdrawal in the crypto market today is 0.0006 BTC per withdrawal. For this platform, however, for every BTC withdrawal, the platform charges 0.0004 BTC which is relatively lower than the market average. It is also quite similar to other tokens as the exchange charges below the markets’ average on withdrawals. This goes on to show how much the platform seeks to encourage individuals to conduct transactions and trade cryptocurrency. The low withdrawal fees imply that users can withdraw as often as they desire without the fear of losing money to the platform.

In addition, deposits on this crypto trading platform are made solely with cryptocurrency ss the platform does not accept fiat currency. Digital assets are, therefore, a necessity for every investor to have to trade on the exchange. However, if you want to trade on the platform and you do not have cryptos, it is best to buy tokens from a platform that accepts fiat currency and then utilize them in trading on the platform.

Aryana Exchange Interface

Trading becomes easier and enjoyable with an interface that users can easily relate to and this is what this crypto platform offers since it takes into consideration customer satisfaction and the meeting of their needs. The exchange’s interface is easy to understand and navigate especially for budding crypto investors who lack experience in the crypto world. Experts and professionals find the interface very comforting and convenient to trade on thus increasing the platform’s relevance in the crypto world.

In addition to this, the platform offers users the chance to trade from wherever they are as it supports mobile trading through its mobile app which is available on Playstore and Apple IOS Store. Its desktop interface also delivers a top-notch display that incorporates market view in such a way that you can closely monitor the upward or downward movement of tokens and their prices. As a result of this, users are guaranteed a premium trading experience with maximum success whether when utilizing the mobile app or the desktop site.

Aryana Exchange Security

Crypto traders and investors find it easy to do business with exchanges with a high level of security and this is why most exchanges place security as a priority. It is in this vein that the crypto platform ensures that customer funds and tokens are secured by storing them in cold wallets which are usually offline. Cold storage of digital assets is relatively safe as It reduces the risks and chances of thefts and hacks. The crypto exchange also keeps about five percent of users’ funds in hot wallets to balance the level of security on the platform.

Even though it is a centralized exchange, the platform has proven over time that it is credible and trustworthy when its security is concerned. For individual accounts, the platform ensures that they are protected against hacks, thefts, and breaches. This is the main purpose of the entire verification process which is to ascertain that every account on the platform is owned by a human. With the platform’s level of security, users and investors are guaranteed a safe, secured, and convenient trading environment.

Customer Support

The crypto market is a digital one with most of its operations based online as users are spread across the world in different geographical regions. It is, therefore, necessary for platforms trading in cryptocurrency to provide various means through which their users can reach them. Aryana exchange on its part places utmost value on customer support and relationship and this is why it provides several means for its users to communicate and interact effectively.

  • ·       Email

The platform has multiple emails where you can reach out to them on different matters relating to your crypto trading experience and journey. Its support mail is dedicated to account complaints and inquiries about the operations of the platform. There is also a separate mail set aside to handle requests by tokens to be listed on the exchange. The OTC desk which is reserved for huge investments and mostly used by institutions has an email address to which all related issues are directed. While for its public relations and marketing concerns, a distinct email address is being operated. This shows the level of attention the platform pays to customer relationships.

  • ·       Twitter

This is often utilized by the exchange as a means of communicating announcements, news, events, and recent developments concerning the platform as they unfold. This is necessary as it keeps the platform users abreast and up-to-date on the operations of the firm.

It is also utilized to disseminate important and official information regarding the platform and an avenue for users all over the world to relate with one another.


Amidst the numerous crypto trading platforms available today, the Aryana exchange stands out as a credible and reliable platform designed to provide a warm and comforting trading experience.

Aryana Exchange Rating
Read our Aryana review and learn why we recommend this exchange for online trading and why it is not a scam, learn all you need to know in this Aryana review before you sign up with the exchange.
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Shelly Melancon (Switzerland)

Shelly is a cryptocurrency enthusiast from Switzerland, she bought her first crypto in 2015 when it was way less popular then it is today and since 2017 she has been writing about cryptocurrency for online news portals. Shelly is the newest addition to the Tokenhell team, she writes mostly news and reviews related articles , stay tuned to her posts to stay up to date with the crypto world.

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