BlockchainCrypto HacksGuide

How Secure is Your Crypto Bridge?

The advent of crypto bridges promised a breakthrough in blockchain interoperability, offering seamless asset transfer between various blockchain networks. These bridges facilitate cross-chain transactions, but as they have increased, so have security risks. 

The vulnerabilities in these bridges are a goldmine for hackers, who have successfully drained billions from multi-chain bridges, making up approximately 70% of blockchain cyberattacks. This article provides an all-around guide to understanding the types of crypto bridges, why they are sensitive to hacks, and how to take preventive measures.

Defining Cross-Chain Crypto Bridges

Cross-chain bridges are protocols or platforms that facilitate the transfer of digital assets between disparate blockchains. The conventional method of asset transfer involves the cumbersome process of going through centralized exchanges, but crypto bridges bypass this by enabling direct transfers. 

The crypto tokens are usually locked in the protocol, and a synthetic or wrapped version is issued on the destination blockchain. This technological advancement could drive liquidity in decentralized finance (DeFi).

Types of Crypto Bridges: Trusted vs. Trustless

Trusted Bridges

Trusted bridges, also known as custodial bridges, place the control of assets in the hands of a centralized entity. One such example is the Binance Bridge. While these bridges may offer some assurance, the centralization makes them vulnerable. Hacks targeting these trusted entities can drain all assets held in custody, making the trust a high-risk proposition.

Trustless Bridges

In contrast, trustless bridges operate without a central authority and instead rely on smart contracts. Smart contracts offer more control to the user but come with their problems. They are still a maturing technology, and coding errors can open significant security loopholes. Hacks such as those targeting Arbitrum and Snowbridge are prime examples that illustrate the vulnerabilities of trustless systems.

Why Are Crypto Bridge Hacks Rampant?

Crypto bridge hacks have become distressingly frequent for a few key reasons:

1. Lucrative Targets

Crypto bridges are critical for transferring large digital assets between blockchains or networks. As such, they often hold substantial amounts of value at any given time, making them highly attractive to malicious actors. Moreover, the hype around crypto often leads to a ‘rush’ behavior, where users pour assets into bridges, hoping for fast returns. This surge creates an even greater incentive for hackers.

2. Code Imperfections

These bridges usually operate based on smart contracts, coded conditions that must be met for a transaction. These contracts can be exceedingly complex, making identifying and fixing all potential vulnerabilities difficult. While some smart contracts undergo formal verification—mathematical proofing to ensure they behave as expected—most do not. This absence of rigorous testing increases the likelihood of vulnerabilities.

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3. Open-Source Transparency

Open-source coding encourages community participation and builds trust, but it also allows anyone to scrutinize the code, including those with malicious intent. Sometimes, developers “fork” or copy open-source projects to create new ones. If the original project had vulnerabilities, those vulnerabilities often get carried over into the new project.

4. Lack of Regulation

The decentralized and largely unregulated landscape of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) means little oversight. While many in the crypto community see this as a strength, it also means that avenues for legal recourse are often unclear or non-existent. Prosecuting offenders is difficult without clear jurisdiction or governing bodies, especially when hacks often cross international borders.

Memorable Crypto Bridge Hacks

The crypto ecosystem has been rattled by a series of high-profile bridge hacks that have exposed vulnerabilities in the technology and eroded investor confidence. These events are a stark reminder of the security challenges in decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology. Among the crypto bridges that have fallen prey to high-profile hacks are:

Nomad Bridge

Nomad Bridge, a key facilitator for asset transfers, was compromised due to a code vulnerability. In this fiasco, around $200 million in assets were lost, shaking the trust of investors and users alike. The incident occurred due to a flaw in the smart contract, which allowed hackers to manipulate the system. The vulnerability had been overlooked during the code review process, underlining the urgency for more robust auditing procedures for smart contracts.

Harmony Horizon Bridge

Harmony Horizon Bridge, another key player in the blockchain universe, was compromised when validators were hacked, resulting in a loss of approximately $100 million. Unlike Nomad Bridge, where the fault lay in the code, Harmony Horizon fell victim due to its compromised validators. These validators are trusted nodes that confirm transactions. In this case, the hackers exploited their privileges, transferring large sums to their accounts.

Ronin Bridge

The most devastating of these hacks was at Ronin Bridge, where hackers accessed five of the nine validators and stole a staggering $625 million. The system’s Achilles’ heel was the limited number of validators, providing a smaller attack surface for cybercriminals.

Safety Measures and Precautions

Despite the risks, some practices can mitigate the chance of falling victim to a bridge hack:

Due Diligence

Due Diligence is the cornerstone of ensuring your safety against bridge hacks. Before making any transactions, one must scrutinize a bridge’s history, performance metrics, and past security incidents. Historical data can give invaluable insights into the reliability of the platform. It is also wise to assess user reviews and ratings, often the earliest indicators of potential security risks.

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Audit Reports

The credibility of a bridge can often be gauged through Audit Reports. Audits conducted by reputable third-party organizations serve as a stamp of approval for the bridge’s security measures. These reports give detailed assessments of the bridge’s security protocols and should be publicly accessible for review. The absence of a third-party audit report should be taken as a red flag.

Decentralized vs Centralized Bridges: Risk Assessment

Understanding the distinction between Decentralized and Centralized Bridges will help you decide based on your risk appetite. Decentralized bridges operate without a single point of control, often considered more secure but lacking regulatory oversight. On the other hand, single entities operate centralized bridges and may offer additional safety features like insurance, but they also become lucrative targets for hackers.

KYC and Regulatory 

Most bridges do not require KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. While this ensures user anonymity, it also leaves room for malicious activities. Therefore, choosing bridges that adhere to regulatory standards and possibly even require KYC is advisable. Further, regulatory oversight adds an extra layer of security, making it less likely for the platform to be involved in scams or for your data to be misused.


While crypto bridges are an innovation in DeFi, the accompanying risks cannot be ignored. The recent hacks are a wake-up call to the nascent, fast-evolving DeFi space. Developers and users alike must tread cautiously, understanding the risks involved and taking necessary precautions to safeguard assets. As the technology matures, we hope to see more secure and efficient crypto bridges, but until then, caution is the watchword.

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Curtis Dye

Curtis is a cryptocurrency news and analytics author with a focus on DeFi, BLockchain, CeFi, NFTs etc. He has publication skills such as SEO optimization, Wordpress, Surfer tools and aids his viewers with insights on the volatile crypto industry.

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