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How To Keep Track Of Your Cryptocurrency Portfolio?

The history of the crypto market has highlighted some of its distinctive characteristics among which is the extreme volatility. This is the thing which is of great significance for any investor or trader, to be an efficient and comfortable method to oversee as well as track the prices of the tokens of choice in addition to the base assets like Ethereum and Bitcoin. The crypto space has turned into a necessary portion of the worldwide economy.

Crypto Portfolio Tracker and Its Significance

At the present, when there are numerous cryptocurrencies, people may find it difficult to keep a track of their investments’ losses and gains. As a result, without any proper knowledge, expertise, and efficient portfolio tracker, people are almost unable to have a keen eye on the relevant details and hence cannot manage crypto investments. Especially, this is the case with some serious investors who have a broad portfolio. Portfolio, in the sector of finance, denotes the list of the financial assets that an individual possesses, in which cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, stocks, and bonds are included.

To solve such a complex and time-consuming task, the target of the crypto portfolio trackers is to offer an all-inclusive outline of the assets that you can possess as well as to keep an eye on your assets. The portfolio trackers present within the market have the compatibility to be integrated with the exchange-based accounts of the consumers along with the crypto wallets to present your portfolio’s cumulative worth.

Benefits of Using Crypto Portfolio Trackers

In this case, it is a very wise decision to have assistance in this respect by utilizing a tracker for your crypto portfolio that would bring the entirety of your investments to one place. A crypto portfolio tracker assists you to observe as well as organize all of your crypto assets effectively. It provides you with live updates as well as other information to make you able to examine which is the most suitable time for the selling and purchasing of the assets.

Crypto portfolio tracker applications permit investors to have a record of historical transfers, their value, as well as their sources or sources. The respective instruments additionally give the definite current price of the selected cryptocurrencies. You are allowed to see the changes in price at any time along with tracking your investments directly without any delay. Apart from that, it lets you enhance your security by storing your crypto on some hardware wallet.

Portfolio applications have a vigorous role to operate for serious investors, professional traders, as well as the people who are newcomers in the field of blockchain in the same way, enabling them to have complete knowledge as well as control over their selected crypto tokens in real-time. Any person who has a potential interest or a real stake in a digital asset that has been listed on an exchange is permitted by these applications to maintain tabs on the portfolios thereof and sometimes the whole marketplace, no matter if he or she examines it monthly, daily, or even hourly.

Some of the portfolio trackers do not get restricted to their normal operations and encompass the investors of all sorts and levels with the provision of crypto trading robots (having the capability to learn via the market movement and help in elevating the value of the crypto portfolio in your possession). Above all, the provision of comprehensive awareness regarding the overall market counts to be a great favor for the investors enabling them to have an insight into the potential future position of the assets within the market, especially in terms of long-term financial objectives that they pursue to accomplish.

In the previous times, with a mounting interest has been witnessed in the trading world, the figure of websites and apps developed to be aware of the activities performed by the portfolios of the customers. To add to this now is the time when up to 200 diverse tracking applications of this type are accessible solely on the Appstore. The recent time witnessed that many prominent players have been making huge development-related investments in the applications thereof, and now the tracker apps’ second generation is leading the field by offering the entirety of the unique features.

While it is usually considered a good thing to have a competition, it can be somehow a bothersome issue responsible for creating confusion regarding which among the portfolio applications has the adequate series of characteristics that you require. The advantages of possessing an appropriate venue are immense – taking into account the rapid as well as more precise trading information assisting in taking better decisions – rather than going through all the other lengthy methods with wasting considerable time and resources, one can use those things in other productive endeavors.

Opting for a Crypto Portfolio Tracker

Nevertheless, the selection of the crypto portfolio tracker is another noticeable checkpoint in your journey of crypto business. While moving to choose a fruitful crypto portfolio tracker you should keep a few chief factors in your mind including the functionality, security, dashboard, price, compatible digital currencies, as well as the supported exchanges. Following are some top crypto portfolio tracker apps listed along with their details to make it easy for you to have a clear decision while moving toward your financial future.

  • FTX (Formerly BlockFolio)

FTX, which was previously known as Blockfolio, is considered to be the topmost application for tracking your crypto portfolio within the market. Blockfolio app is additionally available in a mobile-based version. It is used to track a huge series of crypto tokens (approximately more than 10,000 cumulatively).

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Not long ago, FTX acquired it and rebranded its name to FTX. Recently, a considerable extension has also been witnessed in the operability of the application. Simultaneous to the crypto portfolio’s tracking, the FTX application gives exclusive news regarding cryptocurrencies, direct updates, market data, as well as the latest prices.

The platform is constructed to meet another objective of carrying out convenient communication within the diverse token communities. With this, new updates (from your selected crypto groups like Kyber Network, Ontology, NEM Zcash, Dash, NEO, and Monero) are directly accessible to you.

Another feature is the connection with the private API as by doing this the customers are permitted to perform the entirety of their trade transfers in real-time. It also offers exposure to clients in up to 30 prominent fiat currencies along with BTC and ETH. The consumers are assisted by it to check the original order book as well as price alerts.

The protocol used by FTX (Blockfolio) for privacy protection conceals your balance along with placing a password to lock your application. No fees are charged on the use of the application by the users. An RSS news feed is also incorporated into the app for keeping the customers up to date. The clients are also helped in charting the investment stats thereof.

  • Delta

The Delta Crypto tracker application has a considerable edge over many other apps when it comes to the speed of the exclusively issued tokens’ incorporation within the venue. Delta is an intricately constructed crypto tracker. “eToro” obtained it in 2019’s November. Both eToro and Delta operated together to develop a next-generation Delta application to take account of not just crypto tracking but also the stocks and the rest of the financial assets as well.

The application of Delta can be run on both Android and iOS devices with the ability to seamlessly track the value, loss, and profit of your portfolio along with learning regarding the present percentage alterations in the portfolio. You can receive notifications on your smartphone on every substantial crypto alteration. The application is manufactured while keeping in view those crypto traders who love to invest in diverse digital assets.

The Delta App offers a portfolio overview, a detailed analysis of tokens (including the tokens’ current price, volume, market capitalization, as well as the order book), a market watchlist (making it easier for the consumers to track particular tokens), and presenting portfolio balance in real-time. Consumers can use the application without paying any charges.

  • Cryptopanic

CryptoPanic counts to be a news aggregator covering cryptocurrencies with a parallel portfolio tracking application, assisting you to track the crypto portfolio and keeping you updated with news and other updates within the world of cryptocurrency. It has a series of digital assets that can be reached rapidly and conveniently. CryptoPanic also offers a facility to manually add balance information to your portfolio or let it automatically import for you from an exchange.

Basic as well as detailed token price patterns, price alerts, assistance in trading decisions per the community votes, indications regarding high-interest cryptocurrencies, the inclusion of outside RSS feeds, as well as enabling or disabling of news sources are the features that Cryptopanic provides to its clients. In addition to the free version, it has a pro version also that charges $9 monthly and $99 yearly.

  • Bitsnapp

Exploring more portfolio tracking applications, Bitsnapp is suitable for retail investors. it has a compatibility with above 2000 diverse crypto tokens among which Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin are listed. An API is utilized by the Bitsnapp application for rapid tracking which assists you to incorporate more than twenty-five diverse exchanges as well as more than fifty Bitcoin wallets’ tracking. The interface of the application is very simple as compared with several others, offering a better user experience.

Nonetheless, the application does not have an Apple iOS version. It has synchronization with a majority of the famous pools, hence delivering real-time stats to the miners. It has an additional security layer, a news aggregator, as well as the feature of conveniently doing trading transfers. Like many others, Bitsnapp does not cost any charges.

  • Crypto Pro App

An all-in-one crypto portfolio tracking solution is provided by the Crypto Pro App as it permits the customers to see have a look at the exclusive price, oversee their portfolio, as well as specify the price alerts. Customers are also capable of doing a manual tracking of their portfolios or linking the application to the exchange to have an automatic synchronization.

The noteworthy services offered by Crypto Pro App include tracking multiple portfolios, the entirety of the cryptocurrencies traded on top exchanges, the entirety of fiat currencies, as well as metals, comparison between prices throughout exchanges, PIN lock (or TouchID), and FaceID. Speedy manual transactions, tracking of mining pools, as well as an add-free user interface are the other plus points of the Crypto Pro App.

The crypto portfolio tracker Pionex also has a crypto exchange venue that permits you to monitor and trade your tokens. It has its application in both iOS and Android versions. A remarkable feature of sixteen free bots for crypto trading places it at high status. Additionally to that, an auto-pilot can be set in the account to trade automatically.

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By doing that, the consumers will only require to implement a strategy that they are interested in and set the parameters accordingly, and that’s all the rest will be done by the trading bot. The operation of the above-mentioned features can be learned by an elaborative tutorial if the customer is a novice.

The rest of the features take into account very low charges, permission to do leverage trading along with having an interaction with the rest of the traders as well as copy trading settings utilized by them. Just 0.05% is deducted as transaction charges.

  • CoinStats

CoinStats is known as a well-established crypto portfolio tracking application that permits clients to track and elevate their crypto, NFTs, and DeFi assets. Consumers can organize the entire crypto portfolio by using only one application. With CoinStats, you are permitted to link to as well as observe all of the crypto losses, and gains, and see the upcoming great token with immense potential. Apart from this, the platform lets you stay informed about the prominent crypto news to be assisted in making relatively better decisions in terms of your future investments.

The customers are permitted to initiate purchasing crypto tokens instantly after having a connection between the exchange account, like on Coinbase as well as CoinStats accounts. They can additionally trade your crypto on all linked exchanges directly from the CoinStats account. This feature assists CoinStats to exclude logins you ought to perform and minimizes the risk of dealing with withdrawals. Another option that CoinStats provides is that you can use credit cards, and fiat currency to purchase crypto and rapidly transfer them to a wallet or exchange.

iPod application, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Mac App, mobile app, widgets, and extensions, are the services offered by CoinStats. The chief features of the application contain permission to attach the crypto wallets with Binance, Coinbase Pro, MetaMask, as well as the rest of the crypto exchanges, tracking the current price updates of up to seven thousand crypto assets. Other features include the provision of analytical data and elaborative charts, highly improved filtration research on particular crypto tokens, as well as matchless tracking of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Consumers can also trade, compare, and share their portfolios of cryptocurrency with their friends along with being updated regarding the latest crypto trends while looking at regular crypto news. The costs start at $9.9 monthly.

  • CoinMarketCap

A frequently mentioned crypto tracking application is CoinMarketCap. It focuses on ensuring that crypto can be discovered as well as tracked right from any of the connected exchanges. The platform was established in 2013 on the behalf of Brandon Chez and now it is listed among the highest 100 crypto tokens in terms of market capitalization.

CoinMarketCap provides information regarding the present price, market capitalization, trading volume during the previous 24 hours, the circulating supply, the change in value percentage in the previous 24 hours, as well as a price graph of the previous seven days for every digital asset. Moving onward, it also offers performance charts of previous operations, cumulative supply, 24-hour volume, trading pairs, and so on.

What’s more, consumers can see the present price on different exchanges along with having a comparison among them to verify the best choice for selling or purchasing. Moreover, some lesser-known digital crypto assets are also listed by CoinMarketCap. The market capitalization of CoinMarketCap is more than $2T and it backs up to 400 exchanges as well as 12,000 crypto assets.

One of the most often pointed-out features of the application is that it offers the creation of more than one portfolio along with tracking the present ones. Furthermore, you are provided with the data presenting real-time prices according to the top exchanges. The venue offers complete tracking of your crypto balances, losses, the profits, as well as the complete management of your wallets.

Thousands of tokens and coins are supported by the application, ending the search of investors to go for any other platform. The data security and privacy of the consumers are given paramount importance by CoinMarketCap. The application has the versions to be run on both Android and iOS devices. All the services are provided by CoinMarketCap without any charges.

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Mubashar Nawaz (United Arab Emirates)

Mubashar Nawaz is an experienced crypto writer working for Tokenhell. Having passion for writing, he covers news articles from blockchain to cryptocurrency.

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