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CTmatador Review – Is Scam or Legit?

CTmatador Review
Read our CTmatador review and learn why we recommend this broker for online trading and why it is not a scam, learn all you need to know in this CTmatador review before you sign up with the broker.
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CTmatador Review

CTmatador website

Every trader in the world wants to make money from trading, but they have to understand a few things before they step in this market. There are certain things that you have to do the right way in order to make profits as a trader. The traders you see today that have millions of dollars in their pockets have done some things right. They are not there because of a fluke. Their strategies matter, and the trading decisions they make have a lot of thinking behind them. Among other things, I think your choice of the online trading platform matters a lot in taking you from point A to point Z in your trading career.

From my experience, I can tell you that the reason I am where I am today is that I signed up with the right company at the right time. When I became a trader a few years ago, the online trading platforms were on the rise. I could have gotten lost in that inundation of online brokers, but I found the right partner to be with me in my trading journey. I am talking about CTmatador. This company really helped me reach the goals that I had set financially. I think the best thing this broker did was to provide me with an easy way to start my trading journey.

Let me explain to you what I really mean by that.

Trading TypeCFD
AssetsForex, Crypto, Indices, Stocks, Commodities
Trading PlatformWeb based and mobile
Segregated FundsYes
AML and KYCYes
Customer Support24/5
Account TypesBasic, Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum, VIP
Saving AccountsSilver, Gold, Platinum, VIP
Minimum Deposit$250
BonusYes (up to 50%)
CTmatador official website

CTmatador – Easy Trading for Every Trader

It’s All about CFD Trading

Do you know you can trade assets in the financial markets in more ways than one? If you thought you only had to buy stocks or forex currency pairs like traders used to do in the past, you were completely wrong. Today, you have more than one way to trade and every method has its pros and cons. Of course, you can pick the one that makes the most sense to you. However, my advice is that you weigh the pros and cons of each method and look at the risk that you will be taking against the reward you will be getting before you make your final choice.

For example, you can trade options, in which you just trade based on the future price movement of an asset. You never trade the asset in this format of trading. In addition to that, you can trade bonds, ETFs, and CFDs. With this company, you will be trading CFDs. There is something about CFD trading that has made it the best form of trading all around the world. Traders from every country of the world are looking for a way to be a part of CFD trading. If you have landed here, you have made the right choice. This form of trading is lucrative and easy in every way.

You just have to trade assets like you do in conventional markets. However, when you trade an asset, you really do not trade that asset in itself. You trade the CFD, which stands for contract for difference. Yes, you just own the contract that carries the value of the asset that you are looking to trade. You can get leverages on your CFD trades and make a lot of things easier. You are under fewer obligations when you trade your assets in this way than you are when you trade conventionally. So, with all those benefits in mind, I think you should definitely consider CTmatador because it provides you with a CFD trading platform.

A Trading Platform Designed for New Traders

You never have to compromise on your trading experience just because the firm you are about to sign up with does not have the resources to afford a great trading platform. I have to tell here that there are some scammers on the internet that lure people into trading with them only based on the type of trading platform they introduce. Yes, the trading platform matters a lot in defining your overall trading career. So, you have to make sure that you are on the right one right from the start. With this company, you will get a trading platform that is a wish for every new trader in every part of the world.

Firstly, I have to describe the ease of this trading platform. Right from day one, you will feel as though you have been using it for many years. Everything on its graphical user interface is intuitive. You know where you have to click to do what. In addition to that, you will get all your advanced charts, price alerts, and more on this platform. What makes things even better is that you can trade on just about any device that you own today. It is important to notice that the trading platform from CTmatador comes in two formats: the web-based one, and the downloadable one.

If you wish to take your mobile trading experience to the next level, you will not be disappointed with this company has to offer you. You can trade on your iPhone if you like or use your daily drive Android phone for trading on this application. However, if you want a solution that runs on all your devices seamlessly, I would recommend that you go with the web-based version of the software. You don’t have to download this software at all and it runs smoothly on all your devices without any issues. Now, that’s a trading platform that I think suits the new and modern traders.

CTmatador Asset Classes

Many Assets and Asset Classes

I think it is a huge compromise for a trader when he/she has to limit their trading only because the broker does not have a lot of assets to offer. I understand that an online trading services provider can be great even if it does not have the biggest asset index. However, it does not hurt you as a trader to have an expansive list of options. When you start trading, you will realize that there is a lot that can change based only on the type of assets you can access. If you are in the forex market, you can only trade fiat currency pairs.

But what if you are seeing that the price of gold is going up for many days? What if you are genuinely interested in trading precious metals? What if you have been thinking about trading cryptocurrencies for several years? There are many reasons that can make you consider a trading platform on which you can find all these assets. And I have to tell you that you will miss none of these assets when you are with CTmatador. It provides you with a trading platform on which you can trade your favorite fiat currencies and the cryptocurrencies that you think are the most promising.

In addition to that, you have commodities, precious metals, energies, and much more available at your disposal for trading with this broker. If you want a lot of options within the same asset class, I think you are better off trading stocks and indices. You will find a plenty of options in these categories, and you can know about these assets comparatively more easily than you would other assets. I have to tell you that this company is providing you with all the assets that I have mentioned above and some more.

Training and Support You Can Trust

I am telling you from experience that the type of support you get from your trading services provider can make you love or hate its services. I have been in the online trading industry for enough time to say that customer support is the biggest tool a company has to impress its traders. When I see online brokers, I always feel that they are completely missing the point of providing great customer support. They usually do not have enough options for their traders to get in touch with them. Furthermore, they are not even available to answer the questions from their traders a lot of the time.

I am pretty sure you will never have to face this problem when you are with CTmatador. This company has made sure that you get the best customer support that there is in the online trading world. You will have professionals who will responds to every query you send their way. Whether you want to know about trading basics or raise a question about the trading platform you are using, you will get the answer that satisfies you. Not to mention the fact that the customer support from this company is there to help you 24/5. Additionally, you don’t have to pay anything to get in touch with the customer support of this company.

It must not go without mentioning that this broker goes way beyond providing conventional type of trading services. You can get great customer service from a firm that has been around for ages. So, what makes this particular company different? I have to say that you get support in many other ways. For example, you have access to account managers when you sign up with CTmatador. These account managers are there to help you with your trading decisions. In addition to that, you have proper videos and ebooks to help you understand what trading is all about. That’s not where it ends.

You get proper training through webinars. I love webinars because I get to hear people talking about trading from a neutral point of view. What I love more about the webinars from this company is that you can ask questions that you have in mind about trading. You will always get an answer that you can easily call satisfactory.

CTmatador accounts

Pick an Account of Your Choice

When you have so many different assets that you can trade with the broker and so many other things that this company is doing right, you can’t expect any less than a great experience in choosing your trading account. You see, the destination for every trader is to become a professional with time. Additionally, you just want to make a lot of money from trading and there is nothing wrong about it. That’s the reason people start trading even when they already have jobs. However, where you start really matters a lot in your trading journey.

If you are already trained on how to trade, you should go with an expensive and advanced account. In this particular case, I think that the standard and Silver accounts are the best ones for you. You just have to deposit $2500 and $5000 in these accounts respectively to start trading with them. Once you have done that, you will get access to all the assets that I have talked about and every feature that makes trading a great experience for you. I have to admire the fact that this company has gone the extra mile to offer you something that makes things easy for you.

For example, you have six different accounts you can choose one from. The first account is easy for anyone to open because it requires no more than $250 from you to deposit. Once you have deposited that amount, you have access to one of the most lucrative places on earth i.e. the financial markets. You will be using one of the best trading platforms of the industry once you have opened your account. If you think you have already become a professional trader ad just need to diversify your trading portfolio while also getting great service, I think you should go with either platinum or VIP account.

These accounts are meant for traders who have been trading for a long time and budget is not a problem for them. Do keep in mind that you have the customer support available to you 24/5 no matter which account you pick from the list.

Welcome Bonus and Small Fees

I am mentioning these two things together because they are available with this broker together. You don’t have to change your company only because you can get one thing and not the other. Why am I saying that? Well, I have had the experience of signing up with many online trading platforms and I can tell you that not all of them will offer you these two things together. You either get a bonus or you have to pay a small fee on your transactions. In most cases, the broker will charge you a lot of money when you go on the website to replenish your account with more funds.

Here, you will be getting a welcome bonus when you sign up with CTmatador. I have to tell you that this is a great gesture, and something that made me sign up with this company. It gives you the impression that the company you are about to sign up with really cares about you. The welcome bonus is also quite big, you can’t say that the company is not going out of its way to offer something unique to its traders. It is not a small bonus when you are getting 20% on your initial deposit. You have to keep in mind that with this trading services provider, you just have to deposit $250 in your account before you can start trading. Even with that small amount, you will get some good bonus.

Now, I also have to mention here that your bonus continues to increase as you move up in the accounts list. You have the next account that offers you a welcome bonus of 25%. Go higher to the platinum account, and you will get half of the money you deposited back. That’s what I call a true bonus. On other broker websites, I have noticed that they don’t even talk about bonuses. They just keep telling you the many ways you will lose your bonus. I was always glad to know that I had found a trading platform that was actually interested in offering me some bonus, not in taking the bonus away from me.

Here, I cannot let this go without mentioning that you will not be paying anything to the company when it comes to depositing and withdrawing money from your account. Choose the right account and you will never have to pay these fees ever. That’s something I can really admire about this online broker. I think a lot of the online companies have to learn from this one.

Savings Accounts Just for You

You must have heard companies use the phrase “going the extra mile.” Yes, they have made it into a cliché because they all keep saying this. However, when you try their services, there is nothing that can make you say that. These companies are usually offering you mediocre services. They don’t pay attention to your issues, or to solving your problems. They just want to make money and once you have signed up with them, they are not really interested in knowing the issues you are facing while using their trading services and trading platform.

However, there is something about CTmatador that has made me say this again and again that this company really goes the extra mile to offer something unique to its traders. Now, if you are not interested in trading directly and making money from those trades, you should consider opening a savings account with this company. Yes, if you did not know, you can open a savings account with this company by making varying deposits in your accounts. It is amazing how the broker has not limited you with only one account and a big deposit. In fact, you have four options here as well.

These accounts are there to make life easy for you. You can open a savings account, maintain some funds in this account, and make sure that you earn a lot of profit at the end of it all. Of course, you should know everything that there is to know about the profit rates before you sign up with the company. The minimum deposit that you can make in your savings is $5000. The biggest deposit that you can make in your account to open the most expensive one is $50,000. With the smallest amount, you will earn your profits at a rate of 0.5% to 1.8% depending on the duration you maintain the funds for.

In addition to that, you have the most expensive account that can offer you percentages of 3% on your deposits. You just have to make sure that you deposit the minimum amount and that you maintain this amount for the minimum period that is mentioned on the account.

CTmatador investing account

Safety Is the Key

No, I have never felt while trading with this broker that the integrity of my information was ever compromised. I can tell you one thing that this company really understands the changing dynamics of the online world. It knows how the hackers are getting better with time and that’s why it has introduced the strictest standards of encryption on its website. Through encryption, it turns your information into a code that cannot be deciphered by anyone who is not authorized to see your information. This way, the company has made sure that you can trade with a sense of security.

There is more that this company has to offer. It also protects your money by putting every single penny that you deposit in your account in segregated funds. Furthermore, you will be happy to know that the firm has AML and KYC policy implemented on its system. What it means is that there is no place for  illegal entities and money launderers to use this trading platform to their advantage.

Final Thoughts

So, is there something that you think this company is missing? I think they really understand what online trading is all about and how they can improve this experience for every trader in every part of the world. If you are interested in trading safely on a modern trading platform with lots of amazing features, you should definitely consider signing up with CTmatador. You just have to have $250 in your savings to start trading with this broker.

CTmatador Review
Read our CTmatador review and learn why we recommend this broker for online trading and why it is not a scam, learn all you need to know in this CTmatador review before you sign up with the broker.
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Leah Hutton (Luxembourg)

Leah Hutton has recently joined Tokenhell team as a freelance writer. She has comprehensive knowledge of blockchain and various cryptocurrencies.

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