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The digital currency has taken over the world since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009. The impacts that it is making over the global economy are clear and vivid and no one can deny them. Though the larger portions of the economy have not been affected by the cryptocurrency, still there have been experiences in the past where a large number of dollars flew in the crypto ecosystem.

Making its roots stronger in the global economies, the economic impact of the cryptocurrency is now highly becoming the part of the ongoing debates among the experts and traders worldwide. Here is a comprehensive article that will explain the readers about how the economies of the world have been affected by the addition of cryptocurrency into them and how the crypto assets are molding the global economies.

Impacts of Cryptocurrencies Over Economy

In addition to being an innovation in the financial sector, cryptocurrency is also a form of progress technologically, culturally and socially. The cryptocurrencies have the immense tendency to stimulate the economic sector because of their ease of access and feasibility.

The cryptographic algorithms are used to manage these digital assets known as cryptocurrencies. A number of cryptocurrencies have now emerged in the market, the most popular of them is Bitcoin (BTC). There are many cryptocurrencies that are pegged to any stable asset such as gold or any traditional currency. An example of such cryptocurrency is stablecoins.

It is important that one should look for the long-term benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies instead of indulging in greed or fear because of the rapid price fluctuations in the market. The applications of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are increasing tremendously now.

There are pros and cons related to every technology and same goes for cryptocurrencies. One of the greatest advantage of crypto is that it can be accessed by anyone easily. Moreover, the decentralization and no interference of any third party also makes it popular among the public. 

The inception of cryptocurrency has made possible the trading techniques that one cannot think about a few decades ago. Below are mentioned some ways how the cryptocurrencies are impacting the world economy.

  • Impact On Blockchain

The major impact that cryptocurrency is making on the world is through the blockchain technology. This technology has the capability of unlocking billions of dollars according to the experts. In the different industries all around the world, the processes are being affected by the blockchain technology.

The transaction across the borders in almost all financial institutions have been made possible because of the blockchain technology. It has also made the accountability in the financial institutions more evident because of integration of cryptocurrency in the blockchain technology.

In addition to that, many other processes such as cloud computing through smart contracts or car leasing can also be carried out by using the blockchain. Moreover, many companies are now paying their employees their salaries in cryptocurrencies such as Kodak by using the blockchain technology.

  • Impact On Job Market

Cryptocurrencies have created a new labor market around the world. The professionals and experts of crypto are now high in demand because of the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies. The crypto ecosystem is now expanding all across the world and there are people needed to manage the participants, solutions and exchanges there.

The crypto related jobs are now increasing in the market and all financial institutions are now hyping them. A very popular platform LinkedIn also mentions that crypto and blockchain skills are now one of the topmost demands that employers ask for.

Moreover, the interplay between the economy and cryptocurrency is going on for a long period of time. Though the crypto market had to go through certain downfalls, still there appeared no decrease in the demand of crypto jobs. The exponential increase in the popularity of cryptocurrencies is increasing the demand of jobs in crypto.

  • Impact On Unstable Domestic Currencies

The traditional banks and financial institutions are now becoming less popular among the public. As with the inception of cryptocurrencies, any one can access his finances without any bank procedures or requirement of KYC. The countries whose native currencies are not performing well can increase the pace of their currencies by integrating them with cryptocurrencies.

In case, the living conditions become very difficult in any country, cryptocurrency have the tendency to deal with it. Without any supervision of the higher authorities, the cryptocurrencies have the tendency to provide financial utility, therefore, it can be considered as the future of the world’s infrastructure.

A large number of people around the world are not aware of the benefits of the financial services banks offer as about 2 billion people around the world do not own a bank account even. Therefore, they end up investing their money in wrong directions that may lead them to large losses.

However, by providing the users the access to the financial services can help the economy to get streamlined by using cryptocurrencies. Transactions through the mobile phones or web systems can be carried out easily as everyone can have the access to cryptocurrency through their phones.

Decentralization is one of the most important impact of cryptocurrency over the global economy. In order to ensure the economic stability, the people in stable countries of the world can easily carry out the transaction across the borders by using cryptocurrencies.

  • Impact Through Low Charges of Transactions

The cost of transactions of many cryptocurrencies has been restricted to a minimal cost and is affordable for a common man. One should not judge the cost of transactions for the cryptocurrencies in regard with the cost of Bitcoins.

The transactions can be easily carried out if one owns a crypto wallet. The largest benefit it provides the users is that they are free from the utility bill, employee wages of the banks and any property on rent. Moreover, in the decentralized economy worldwide, the lower cost of transition can also help in building the trust among the public.

  • Impact Through Transparency

With the increase in the advancement in technology and trading techniques, the cybercrimes and scams have also increased in the financial sector. Illicit use of the assets and money laundering have increased by manifolds in the financial grounds. Therefore, it is the need of the time to deploy such a transparent system that can monitor and audit all the activities being carried out virtually.

The manipulation of the transactions and documents has become very easier in the centralized systems, and one has to find out the ways to tackle it. For this purpose, the financial transactions need to be tracked from root level.

The record of every transaction is kept by the distributed ledger provided by the cryptocurrencies. As the transparency and accountability level of the cryptocurrencies increase, the interplay between economy and crypto gets more strengthened. The ownership and transfer of transactions is looked after by the utility-based design of the cryptocurrencies.

  • Impact on Entrepreneurs

As the world is becoming digitalized with the passage of time, it has become important to carry out activities across the borders in order to fulfil the financial needs. Using cryptocurrency for this purpose can be more useful than the traditional currencies. The global business practices can be reframed if the entrepreneurs help in investing, saving and sending the currencies across the borders.

  • Impact on Small Businesses

In the fast-moving world, it has become difficult to look after the small initiatives all around the world. Using the cryptocurrency in financial sector can be a lot useful for the small businesses. The lower transaction cost that is the essential part of crypto trade can help them establish in a better way.

Moreover, as crypto is an international currency and can be used anywhere in the world, it will help the small businesses to serve their customers all around the world. It will also help in increasing the progress and familiarity of crypto among the people worldwide.

Role of Crypto in Prevention from Inflation

The experts all around the world consider Bitcoin as a barrier for the inflation. The increasing value of Bitcoins all around the world and the ones that have to mined over time is because of the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and its capped supply in the market.

No matter if Bitcoin fulfills the expectations of the public or not or it provides a barrier against the inflation, the increasing inflation and falling prices of the crypto can do wonders if integrated together. One should be aware of the fact that using the cryptocurrency and owning it are two different things.

In case one considers the cryptocurrency as the right alternative to the declining monetary policy of a country, then the cryptocurrency can be thought of being the way to tackle the increasing inflation in any country. However, the increasing inflation in the world and the integration of crypto in the global economy has made the experts curious about its outcomes.

However, in the countries whose currencies are currently suffering from 50% or more devaluation against the UD dollars can easily experience the benefits of using cryptocurrency instead of their traditional currencies. The people living in the countries such as Argentina, Surinam, Turkey, Lebanon or Venezuela are more eager to now trade in cryptocurrencies as compared to the people of other countries where inflation is relatively less. 

Problems With Using Cryptocurrencies

Some of the problems that come attached with the use of cryptocurrencies in the financial sector are mentioned below.

  • Cybercrimes

Cryptocurrency market is continuously expanding with time. More and more investors are finding it fruitful and building their futures through crypto domain. The growing interest of the public towards crypto world has also activated the cybercriminals and they have found their way out in making money by ditching people through multiple means.

The cybercriminals are also now using the cryptocurrencies similar to traditional cash to scam people. However, it has been reported in 2021 that still the ratio of illicit activities carried out through transactions are very low that is about 0.15% as compared to the increasing rate of cryptocurrency usage in the financial sector.

  • Environmental Impacts

The environmental impacts of using the cryptocurrencies cannot be ignored by any means. Especially the mechanisms that use the Proof of work (PoW) protocol to be operated are considered as hazardous for the environment and economy as well.

Bitcoin is the financial inclusion of a number of people worldwide and it is stimulating the whole financial sector. It has been reported that the Bitcoin also contributes to the carbon dioxide emissions in the air that then leads to global warming. The ration calculated about carbon dioxide emission is 0.08%.

  • Volatility

The experts and everyday traders are familiar with the highly volatile nature of the cryptocurrencies. It is considered as one of the major drawbacks of using the crypto. It is possible that because of being highly volatile, the value of the currencies may be lost quickly.

According to the opinion of many economists, making payments in cryptocurrencies or trading in them can put the traders at a higher risk of loss. They consider it as an unsuitable method of trading. They are of the opinion that this uncertainty in the value of the cryptocurrencies is because of no involvement of any higher authority or central bank while dealing with them that could guarantee their value.

Moreover, they also add that the traditional central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a safer option as a central bank governs it and controls its value.

Therefore, trading in cryptocurrencies can make it highly messy and risky too because of the volatility of the market that is totally unpredictable, and one cannot build any opinion about what is going to happen next.

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive an Economic Recession

Because of the geopolitical activities and the decline of the traditional financial markets may lead to the establishment of a downward pressure in the crypto market. This could lead to a difficult time for the ones investing in cryptocurrencies. The environment of the financial sector has now altered completely.

The central banks adjust their policies by raising the interest rates and ensuring the tighter financial markets because of the increasing inflation worldwide. This results in more people investing in bonds because of the increasing interest rates.

A crypto winter comes with the impacts same as a bear market cycle in the stock market that may have painful impacts on some of the businesses. It is related with the decreased prices of the assets in the crypto markets. To tackle it, the firms have to take some difficult decisions sometimes such as using the layoffs for cutting their costs.

The capitalization in the cryptocurrency market is integrated with the native markets that hints of them being institutionalized, however it is not necessary that one may consider it as a bad sign. It can be considered as the first step towards broadly accepting the cryptocurrencies and adopting the advancement in technology they carry with them.

The experts are of the view that if observed externally, the cryptocurrencies market may look chaotic and risky as it is operated in cycles. But if look at the long-term impacts and the detailed benefits it carries with it such as industry developments, lower prices, decentralization and innovations, one would definitely give a though about investing in crypto.

Impacts of Investment in Cryptocurrencies on the Wider Crypto Economy

Any unexpected event in the cryptocurrencies market can impact the whole crypto ecosystem although as a whole the impact of the crypto is positive. Trust is the key where the individuals interact with one another continuously, however blockchain and crypto assets are marked as unreliable technologies by the experts. The cryptocurrencies market may generate an impact on itself in addition to being impacted by the broader economy.

The crypto economy is not at all immune to failures and mis-happenings and it can be understood by the occurrence of events such as Three Arrows Capital, consequential fall of Celsius and traditional finance domino effects. However, the crypto sector does not have any central institution or authority that fails unlike the traditional systems that indicate the fall of a firm or company.

The fall of the Terra project had a great economic impact on the capital of the venture, on the standing companies and on other projects who had to experience a heavy impact and were exposed badly.

However, the development of crypto economy at an early stage offers a lot of untapped potential as the prices and innovation are connected with one another. However, there can be such experiences in the future that may undermine the economy in many ways.


Despite of the attached risks attached with it; the cryptocurrencies still have the tendency to transform the economy of the world. The development and decentralization of the blockchain technology is doing wonders in the crypto ecosystem. Moreover, the traceability and accountability of the cryptocurrencies also have made it popular among the masses. Therefore, it is the need of the time to look upon the long-term benefits of crypto and move towards integrating it in our daily lives.

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By Mubashar Nawaz (United Arab Emirates)

Mubashar Nawaz is an experienced crypto writer working for Tokenhell. Having passion for writing, he covers news articles from blockchain to cryptocurrency.

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